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32通道结构模态测试分析系统 招标公告


1. 招标条件

本招标项目   32通道结构模态测试分析系统 招标项目资金已落实。该项目已具备招标条件,现对   32通道结构模态测试分析系统  进行国际公开招标

2. 项目概况与招标范围

项目概况与招标范围: 32通道结构模态测试分析系统 1




3. 投标人简要技术及资格要求

3.1 投标人简要技术及资格要求: 

资格要求: 1) 设备制造商有制造同类设备五年以上的经验,在北美、欧洲、中国均有同类型设备销售记录,提供证明文件及证明人的有效联系方式。 2)同类型设备在三大发动机制造厂商GERolls-RoycePratt&Whitney中的至少一家有销售记录,并在投标时提供相关合同复印件或者证明文件。 3) 同类型设备在国内至少有10家以上用户,并在投标时提供对应的用户名称及用户有效联系方式。 4) 设备具有优良的品质和可靠性,性能稳定,故障率低,且整机具有十年以上的可靠寿命,且精度不降低,并提供证明文件及证明人的有效联系方式。 5) 制造商在中国大陆要有专业授权的技术支持团队,技术支持人员5人及以上,需提供技术支持人员名单,并提供其项目实施简历。能够在上海为最终用户提供24小时内的技术支持。 6) 制造商通过ISO9001质量管理体系认证并提供ISO9001质量管理体系认证证书复印件。 

主要技术要求: (1)数据采集系统 1) 通道参数:32通道电压、IEPEICP),2通道信号源,2通道转速集成为一台仪器。可使用通用直流和交流电源,并支持TEDS,以太网接口,Lemo接头。 2) 采样率:系统每个通道的最高采样频率≥200kHz 3) 各通道独立A/D24位,同步采样;多种触发方式:转速触发,时间触发,模拟量触发;动态范围≥120dB 4) 实时性:采样各通道时域信号的同时能够实时分析并显示测量结果。 5) 可扩展性:可以增加模块数量和模块类型。具备与相同型号硬件采集系统多套直接联机工作的能力,机箱具备可扩展功能。 6) 其他:配置一个拉杆箱,方便设备移动。 (2

3.2 本次招标不接受联合体投标。

4. 招标文件的获取

4.1 招标文件购买时间: 2018-11-27 09:002018-12-04 16:30

4.2 招标文件购买地址:中国航发网上商城 http://ebid.aecc-mall.com/

4.2 招标文件价格:  CNY 标段01500   /USD 标段01美元:80   ,售后不退。

5. 投标文件的递交

5.1 投标文件递交截止时间: 2018-12-18 09:30

5.2 投标文件递交地点: 中国航发商用航空发动机有限责任公司会议室/中国航发网上商城电子招投标专区http://ebid.aecc-mall.com

5.3 逾期送达的、未送达指定地点的或者不按照招标文件要求密封的投标文件,招标人将予以拒收。逾期送达的投标文件,电子招标投标交易平台将予以拒收。

6. 开标时间及地点

6.1 开标时间: 2018-12-18 09:30

6.2 开标地点: 中国航发商用航空发动机有限责任公司会议室/中国航发网上商城电子招投标专区http://ebid.aecc-mall.com

7. 联系方式

招 标 人:/


地 址:上海市上海市闵行区上海市闵行区莲花南路3998

地 址:北京市北京市朝阳区慧忠路5号远大中心B14层、20



电 话:021-36688086

电 话:010-84892531


   32-channel structural modal test and analysis system   Tender Notice

(Please pay special attention to bidders: this project is an electronic bidding for the whole process, and the bidding documents are requested to be purchased on the http://ebid.aecc-mall.com/ Please refer to the relevant guidelines issued on the http://ebid.aecc-mall.com/, thank you!).

1. Bidding Conditions

The name of the tenderee of the project is    32-channel structural modal test and analysis system    . Source of Funds has been carried out. The project is qualified for bidding conditions, and invites sealed bids from eligible suppliers home and abroad for the supply of  __32-channel structural modal test and analysis system___(The name of the equipment) by way of International Competitive Bidding.

2. Overview and Scope

Overview and Scope32-channel structural modal test and analysis system 1set

Bidding No.0730-18421E020045/01

Project Name32-channel structural modal test and analysis system


3. Qualification Requirements For Bidder

3.1 Qualification Requirements And Main Technical Data

Qualification 1) The equipment manufacturer should have at least five years of experience in manufacturing similar equipment and have sales records of same-type equipment in North America, Europe and China. The certificate and effective contact information of the certifier should be provided. 2) The manufacturer should have records of selling the equipment of the same kind to at least one of the three large engine manufacturers: GE, Rolls-Royce, and Pratt&Whitney. The relevant contract copy or certificate should be provided during tender. 3) The manufacturer should have at least 10 users of the same-type equipment in China. The names of relevant users and effective contact information of the users should be provided during tender. 4) The equipment should feature good quality and reliability, stable performance, and low failure rate. In addition, the whole equipment should have the reliable life of more than ten years without decrease on the accuracy. The certificate and effective contact information of the certifier should be provided. 5) The manufacturer should have the technical support team authorized by the professional organization with five and more technical support personnel in China mainland. A list of technical support personnel and their resumes for implementing this project should be provided. The technical support within 24 hours should be provided for final users in Shanghai. 6) The manufacture should have the ISO9001 quality management system certificate. The copy of the ISO9001 quality management system certificate should be provided. 

Main Technical Requirement: (1)Data aquisitionsystem 1) Channel parameter: The voltage and IEPE (ICP) for 32 channels, signal source for 2 channels, and rotating speed for 2 channels should integrate into one instrument. The general DC and AC power can be used, and the TEDS, Ethernet interfaces and Lemo connector should be available. 2) Sampling rate: Max. sampling rate for each channel of the system should be 200 kHz at least. 3) Independent A/D for each channel, 24-bit, synchronous sampling; multiple triggering modes (including rotating speed trigger, time trigger and analog trigger) should be available. The dynamic range should be at least 120 dB. 4) Timeliness: Real-time analysis and displaying of the measuring results while sampling the time domain signals of each channel should be supported. 5) Expansibility: The module quantity and types should be expandable. The system should be capable of connecting with multiply sets of the same-model hardware acquisition system for operation. The case should be expandable. 6) Others: A trolley case should be configured to facilitate equipment moving.

3.2 Joint Bids: no

4. Acquisition of Bidding Documents

4.1Time of Selling Bidding Documents2018-11-27 09:002018-12-04 16:30

4.2 Place of Selling Bidding Documentshttp://ebid.aecc-mall.com

4.3 Price of Bidding Documents: CNY 500   /USD 80   , with non-refundable

5. Bid Submission

5.1 Deadline for Submitting Bids2018-12-18 09:30

5.2 Place for Submitting BidsAECC Commercial Aircraft Engine Co. Ltd./ http://ebid.aecc-mall.com

5.3 The tenderee will refuse to accept the tender documents that are not delivered to the designated place within the specified time or fail to be sealed according to the requirements of the bidding documents. The tender documents for overdue delivery will be rejected by the electronic tendering and bidding transaction platform.

6. Time and Place of Bid Opening

6.1 Time of Bid Opening2018-12-18 09:30

6.2 Place of Bid OpeningAECC Commercial Aircraft Engine Co. Ltd./ http://ebid.aecc-mall.com